NWSAPy: A Pythonic Implementation of the National Weather Service API

NWSAPy (APy, for short) is designed to be a pythonic approach to utilizing the National Weather Service API. The goals of the package are simple:

  • Maintain clean, simplistic, minimal, and consistent user-end code

  • Construct URLs and request data on your behalf

  • Minimize API knowledge overhead

Here’s a few brief examples of how easy it is to use the package:

Let’s say we want to get all of the tornado warnings, then package all the information together in a dataframe:

from nwsapy import nwsapy

nwsapy.set_user_agent("Application Name", "youremail@domain.com or website")
active_tor_warnings = nwsapy.get_active_alerts(event = "Tornado Warning")
df = active_tor_warnings.to_dataframe()

Suppose we want to convert units to pint:

from nwsapy import nwsapy
from pint import UnitRegistry

nwsapy.set_user_agent("Application Name", "youremail@domain.com or website")
point = nwsapy.get_point(32.6099, -85.4808)  # Auburn, AL
point = point.to_pint(UnitRegistry())  # pass in your unit registry
print(point.distance) # 854.1731315087 meter

Implementation of the full API is in progress. The documentation will update on an as-needed basis to reflect this.

The National Weather Service API can be found here: https://www.weather.gov/documentation/services-web-api#/

Advantages of using NWSAPy

  • Clean and Simplistic Code - The syntax is very english-like.

  • No worries about JSON. NWSAPy takes care of anything JSON-related, including formats (GeoJSON, JSON-LD, etc).

  • No worries about URLs. Similar to the Django ORM, you’re able to make a request without ever writing code to make a request.

  • 404 Error Minimization. This is handled through data validation checks, as well as handling URL construction.

  • Response errors are handled. Response errors are handled appropriately.


NWSAPy has minimal dependencies, with core functionality being pure python:

  • shapely

  • pandas

  • numpy

  • requests

  • pint


It motivates me to continue support and development for this package if I hear from the community. If you have questions or comments relating to the package, you can tweet at me: @WxBDM. You can also send me an email at brand.molyn@gmail.com. If a bug is identified, open an issue on GitHub. Please provide steps on how to recreate the issue with an example. If you’d like to contribute, please issue a pull request.

Indices and tables